Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Metaphors are everywhere!

What a beautiful day. A little hot but still classy. Recently, my world has been like a movie. It's sometimes kind of boring and other times quite exciting. It's an action packed, comedy drama date flick with gorgeous people within my reach. Haa! Yeah, minus the whole grown up business, it's a bit like that.

I just got a photo gig for this Friday with Janice Lengblaah blah blahh.. Obviously, that's not really her last name. Next Friday I plan on going to my senior prom with this wonderful young lady. We are gonna blow peoples' minds with our feminine excellence.. well she'll probably upstage me because there's something about her. She's like sunshine. When compared, I'm just an oriental rug.. I'm pretty to look at indoors but never will I be seen public, while she makes everyone smile with her raise and glow.

Well, I guess it's time to work on my whore heels.
Peace, Love, and Jungle Juice.